Air 6.0.10 and later can automatically reduce the number of polygons in a polygon mesh based on an object’s on-screen size and other factors. Automatic LOD applies only to polygon mesh primitives.
Enable automatic level of detail for an object with the following custom attribute:
Attribute “render” “float autolod” [n]
where n gives an error tolerance when simplifying a model. Reasonable values to try are 0.1 to 0.3. A level of 0 disables automatic LOD.
Automatic LOD is also influenced by the “flatness” attribute:
GeometricApproximation “flatness” 0.5
which gives the maximum difference in pixels between the original surface and the simplified surface. The default flatness value is 0.5. A value of 1 or 2 will produce smaller final meshes.
When applied to cloth, auto LOD may result in clothing that does not cover the underlying limbs. Using a smaller autolod tolerance may help prevent this condition. Another solution is to use an opacity map to hide parts of a limb that would be hidden by clothing anyway.