Update: Massive 3.5 now includes a Frame block in the main scene RIB export. You do not need to use the enframe utility when exporting from Massive 3.5 or later.
As described in this note, AIR allows an arbitrary number of additional output images to be generated from a single render pass by adding additional Display calls to the RIB stream. In an animation you will naturally want each frame to render to a unique set of output images. AIR’s Display call supports a simple substitution mechanism for creating a unique file name based on the current frame number. E.g., for frame 27,
Display “+diffuse#4f.tif” “file” “varying color __diffuse”
would become
Display “+diffuse0027.tif” “file” “varying color __diffuse”
The frame number in a RIB file is defined with a FrameBegin statement. Older versions of Massive (prior to 3.5) did not include a FrameBegin statement in its RIB files. The enframe tool is designed to plug that gap.
Adding a Frame block with enframe
Enframe adds a frame block to a rib file with a frame number derived from the file name. For example,
enframe render0129.rib
would rewrite the file render0129.rib as
FrameBegin 129 ...rest of file... FrameEnd
Enframe also accepts a simple wildcard # for matching a sequence of files:
enframe render#.rib
Important: when translating a sequence of scene rib files generated by Massive, be sure that the agents rib files are NOT included!